Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Final Project

Hello my name is Olivia Taylor,
      I've always known a lot about my family history, and I have been interested to learn more about. This project helped me not only to learn  more about my ancestors, but about some of the facts and different cultures we celebrate in my family. I began with a 25 question interview for both my mother and father. I asked them questions like where they grew up or how far they can trace their family back. Next, I sent a persuasive email to mother to see if the could give me more specific information of where all our family is located and different pictures of family members. Then, I used family echo to help me organize my family members in a family tree. Fourthly, I used prezi to help me talk more about the people in my family including some pictures. Lastly i made an infographic that described my family.                          

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